There is more to Q
Politics • Science & Tech • Spirituality/Belief
In depth look at what has come from the Q movement, from the political to the science. There is a lot that folks don't know. Q has posted much that needs a closer look.
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More ammo, missals and military ranks.

We need more money spent on armaments like Russia or we will need to learn Russian. Ya, more for Nato!.

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Production of history daily.

Something different that can be seen and assessed. Bring back standing behind your word. Each time is history.

There is more to the difference that is announced.

Seven days until we have a different outlook.

There will be a day coming for accountability.

I and my family survived the Mountain Wildfires of last September in San Bernadino. Now, watching sections of LA Burn to the ground is heartbreaking. Who needs these woke idiots running our state?

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