There is more to Q
Politics • Science & Tech • Spirituality/Belief
In depth look at what has come from the Q movement, from the political to the science. There is a lot that folks don't know. Q has posted much that needs a closer look.
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Do you know where you are standing?

Realize where you are, with in the data. Things are not like they have been described.

It maybe close but it still needs to see actions.

Many voices as they all seek to workout what is and what is not. People are not aware of what has been developed. It is good that all are needed to act not just put forward words.

What to do when there is limited options.

A new year is a short time away, but the war still persists. Both in Gaza and south Lebanon, the IDF is moving forward or blunting their opponents. Plus, in Gaza the end of the fighting is in sight as they have reduced Hamas to either surrender of fight to the end.

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